Drastic Price Reduction on Sculpteo Multicolor Material | Sculpteo Blog

Drastic Price Reduction on Sculpteo Multicolor Material

Posted By Sculpteo on Feb 3, 2012 | 0 comments

Great news for the lovers of 3D printed colors! We are drastically lowering our prices on multicolor material.

The multicolor material is composed of a fine mineral powder that can be mixed to create beautiful multicolored pieces. The surface has a grainy, sanded appearance, great for ornaments. More details available on our multicolor material page.

Upload your file on the Sculpteo.com website to have a real-time estimation of the new price and have your object 3D printed.

An example with a multicolored car (mixed of blue, white, red and black). With the 30% reduction, it’s now available as a unique 3D kid decoration item for less than $60.

Upload your file and have it 3D printed in amazing colors!

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