Sculpteo 3D printing blog

The sculpteo blog delivers the latest news and trends about 3d printing. You'll find information about the latest 3d printing technologies, 3d files, tutorials and the best 3d modeling software.

Get your hands on your 3D printed HD selfie!

They’re new, hot and everywhere? 3D printed selfies are the next big thing. We would be lying if we told you that nobody in the office wants one, because the truth is no matter how much people say they don’t, everybody wants one. We created a new off...

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Hollowing, Cutaway and more…

Posted By on May 2, 2014

Hi, Alex here again, Sculpteo’s UX designer. Great news Wednesday as we rolled out a totally new print page, with a different layout and a couple of pretty nice new features rolled in. I thought I’d take a few minutes to give you a tour. The old ‘des...

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