Enabling Mass-Customization in the Medical Sector

Sculpteo partners with Twikit to help you improve your manufacturing process and benefit from Mass-Customization for your medical projects.

Twikit Ebook

What's inside?

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Adaptability for medical

Learn about the growing use of additive manufacturing in the medical sector and all its benefits

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Mass-customization’s value

How getting customized designs will benefit your medical projects and why you should start considering it

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Finding the best tools

Improve and optimize your process by using relevant design tools and reliable manufacturing partners

Twikit Ebook

Sculpteo and Twikit helping you with your mass customization process

Understand the full potential of additive manufacturing for your medical projects and get the best tips to reach your goals. From using Twikit software in order to generate adapted designs, to the use of a 3D printing service such as Sculpteo, discover how to benefit from the full value of Mass-Customization to manufacture medical devices.

Enabling Mass-Customization in the Medical Sector