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Sculpteo's Agile Metal Technology is a suite of tools to assess your 3D printing projects. Business Case is the first of these tools allowing you to evaluate your project's compatibility for Additive Manufacturing.
We’ve built an AI that checks the quality of CAD files, recommends materials and identifies your project's risks based on your inputs.
You benefit from an intelligent system that provides advice and an evaluation of whether 3D Printing will be beneficial for your project.
Now that we've covered the basics, let's get started...
I can handle more than 40 different file types, but I recommend that you upload a .step, a .sldprt, a .iges or a .catpart file so that I have the most accurate information to work with.
Let's wait together while we're loading your file
The file you provided is not a 3D file. Please send us another one or answer no to this question.