
Business Rewards logo

Sculpteo's loyalty program

Joining the program is entirely free. Submit your request today and start earning points effortlessly!
Business Rewards LP Icon

$5 spent = 1 point earned

You earn points with every purchase on

shopping bag icon BR

Order and earn points

Monitor the progress of your points in your Sculpteo Business Rewards dashboard.

Gifts icon BR

Get rewards

Redeem your points for discounts and gifts.

A program that grows with you!

BR table anglais
Bronze BR status
BR card silver status
BR gold card status
BR card diamond status
Elite BR status

Rewards designed to spark your creativity!

Save more on your 3D prints

Save more on your 3D prints

Starting from the "Platinum" status, automatically enjoy 5%, 8%, or 10% off all your SLS, MJF, and Ultrafuse orders.

Get free delivery

Get free delivery

"Gold," "Platinum," "Diamond," and "Elite" members qualify for free shipping under certain conditions.

Optimize your files with our design studio

Optimize your files with our design studio

Benefit from expert guidance and insights provided by our skilled industrial designers and application engineers—completely free of charge.

Choose from over 20 gifts available for exchange.

Choose from over 20 unique gifts available for exchange.

Redeem your points for dozens of gifts from the rewards shop.

Enjoy a dedicated phone line

Enjoy a dedicated phone line

Have a question about an order? Your benefits? Our materials? You have access to a dedicated line just for you.

Join exclusive events

Join exclusive events

Be the first to know about exclusive event invitations and exciting contests. Stay informed and seize your chance to win!