4 Big Reasons To Manufacture in a Local Factory | Sculpteo Blog

4 Big Reasons To Manufacture in a Local Factory

Posted By Eole Recrosio on Oct 25, 2016 | 0 comments

As your project is finally getting to the stage of materialization, your next priority is to go into the prototyping phase and to think about the manufacturing of your newborn idea. No matter if you choose 3D printing, laser cutting or other manufacturing processes, you will need a trusted manufacturer to work with you and to take care of the whole factory process.

The subject of local against abroad production for your project has to be resolved. Here are some advice to help you find the best for your product.

Nowadays the most common way to produce a design is by choosing an abroad manufacture because most of the time, both technologies and quantities expected cannot be found in your country at a reasonable cost. Peoples often have to turn towards Asian factories to go into production. Due to lower manufacturing costs, access to smaller production runs are facilitated, which makes it, at first glance, the best option to produce your idea. But don’t stop your reasoning just there!

The abroad manufacturer is not always the best option, for many reasons, and even when cost efficiency is concerned.

Be very careful on that choice as it could lead your business on the path of success or failure. But don’t you worry, we’ll give you a glance of the advantages of the local manufacturer.


Better control and communication mean better quality

A local manufacturer means higher possibility of control: the farther the producer, the more difficult the communication. This might cause misunderstanding about the quality standard you expect, and, eventually in some cases, bad surprises.

On the subject of quality, advantages of the local manufacturer are abundant:

  • a better control on what is produced and how the quality standards are respected.
  • first hand experience of the materials and processes: there is always the possibility of touching and feeling the material to be the best for your idea, get an appointment at the factory to see how your produce is done.
  • easier communication with the local producer than with one based at the other side of the earth.

The local manufacturer offers the advantage of controlling the quality and the production at every stage.

3D printer prototype Local Abroad factory


Protecting your idea with a shorter circuit

Among the main benefits of a shorter, an essential one is the protection of intellectual property. At Sculpteo, your ideas are by default protected against counterfeiting  under the French Intellectual Protection Law. Choosing a manufacturer in your own country or region (for example in the European Union) often means an easier comprehension of your rights and protection system. Understanding and mastering the protection system within which your transactions happen can be an added cost, especially when they include foreign law, that you’ll always be happy to avoid. And when you understand, you’re less at risk!

Sculpteo 3D print manufacture local

Shipping closer can be cheaper

Shipping and related costs remain decisive aspects in the choice of a manufacturer especially when your product have to cross long distances.

On the side of an abroad based factory, shipping across countries is often very restrictive due to the high cost and the customs duties. The improvements made thanks to big structures like Alibaba are significative but it still remains very high on smaller orders and not as attractive as a local delivering system for smaller quantities. In addition you also have to include the longer shipping period for an order from across the sea.

The local manufacturer is by definition reachable and close enough to you to allow for easy communication and the settling of proper shipping details. Even if a part of your deliveries can be expensive due to the weight and sizes, it often still remains under the price of an international shipping service.


The choice of a local factory to be environmental friendly and socially responsible

As we enter in an era of return to basics with closer circuits, wasteless and locally-based productions, the demand for local manufactures grows. And it’s not just a militant fancy.

Using a local production service like Sculpteo (based in the United States or in Europe depending on your country), you create value in several ways:

  • You encourage local growth, by supporting job creation
  • You keep a closer look on the work conditions of the factory you hire, which means limiting exploitation situations, as well as safety norms infractions (this is not to say local factories will always be irreproachable, but at least you’ll have a way of checking)
  • You limit the amount of energy that your production requires (by limiting transportation times), which is both environmentally more responsible, and quite a smart move considering that cheap energy might not last forever!


These are only a few tips about where you can product your design. Even if abroad manufacturing seems attractive at first sight, local factories are also a great challenger and offer a better control on quality, intellectual protection and social aspects.

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