Participate in Our 2017 State of 3D Printing Survey

Answer our Survey of 3D Printing 2017 Edition

Posted By Capucine Lonjon on Feb 14, 2017 | 0 comments

For the 3rd year in a row, we’re editing the State of 3D Printing. We’re very proud to say it’s been a success so far, and we’re editing the report once again this year! Our ambition is to give businesses the keys to understanding what’s at stake in the 3D printing industry.



What is the State of 3D printing

The report will set a comparison of how 3D printing permeates the different industries, an evaluation of the return on investment (ROI) you can expect when investing in 3D printing, the evolution of investments and employment in 3D printing. You’ll learn what the different uses of 3D printing are in your industry, which 3D printing material is used the most, forecasts for the future of 3D printing. Thanks to charts and wise analysis, you’ll be able to place your 3D printing commitment compared to your competitors and make more informed and accurate decisions.


Get 10% off your next 3D Printing project and Win $100

Every respondent to our survey for the 2017 Edition will benefit from a 10% discount on their next order.

And one of the respondents will win a 100€/$ Amazon gift card!

Take the survey now!


Why do we need your word?

We are very interested in what 3D printing users like you think and how you deal with 3D printing every day. In fact, 3D printing is evolving very quickly, both when it comes to the technology and its uses. Your point of view, as a 3D printing user, is essential: you have the best position to tell how 3D printing is impacting your business, and what you expect from it.

In last year’s State of 3D Printing Edition, we had more than 1000 respondents, all 3D printing users, from various industries: consumer goods (21%), industrial goods (14%), high tech (14%) and services (8%) were most represented.

The respondents were CEOs (28%), engineers (23%), freelancers (13%), designers (11%), but also working in marketing and human resources.

The variety of the respondents makes the originality of our report.


How can you access the previous editions?

State of 3D printing 2016 Edition 

State of 3D printing 2015 Edition 


We’ll deliver a year-over-year contrast in 2017 Edition.

You can access the survey here!