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P&G: Additive Manufacturing at the forefront of Supply Chain Innovation

Posted By Lucie Gaget on Apr 24, 2019 | 0 comments

Most people will know them, Procter & Gamble (or P&G) is an American multi-national consumer goods company, making brands that are trusted in millions of living rooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, and bathrooms—and have been passed down from generation to generation. Recently, our Sculpteo Studio experts ran a workshop with P&G’s Fabric Care Product Supply leadership team to demonstrate the benefits of 3D printing and inspire their top managers to identify new game-changing technologies to enable their business to further evolve. Additive manufacturing can help reshape business models and technologies, in fact, 3D printing is a great innovative solution with wide-ranging uses across companies.


The importance of Supply Innovation at P&G


Luc Reynaert, Vice President, Global Fabric Care at P&G, is passionate about Supply Innovation and views connections with external partners as a key enabler to today’s Supply Chain. “In my role as Vice President Product Supply for P&G’s Global Fabric Care business, I’m constantly looking for ways to create disruptive innovation by building alliances and partners with start-ups to truly innovate across all aspects of the Supply Chain.”  

P&G regularly meets with external experts in-house to stimulate new ideas and ways of thinking, allowing it to be at the forefront of innovation and considering all opportunities to optimize their Supply Chain. In the case of a company such as P&G, it is obvious that all managers have to know about cutting-edge technologies.

Luc affirms: “It is imperative we invest in new skills and technologies to move our business ahead so we continue to be relevant to our employees, as well as attract new ones, on our quest to be the best we can in driving innovation in the Supply Chain.”

The Additive manufacturing workshop encourages teams to go through challenges that can’t necessarily be solved using traditional manufacturing techniques. 3D printing offers so many possibilities in terms of design, customization, materials, and technologies. The freedom offered by this kind of manufacturing method can help businesses like P&G to be at the forefront of Supply Chain innovation.

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3D printing to go through new challenges


Additive manufacturing can change the way we manufacture and bring new benefits to the Supply Chain. Sculpteo Studio showed P&G how 3D printing is a great way to redesign tools and processes.

It only took a short investment of time, understanding the technology and services offered by companies like Sculpteo, to realize how we might be able to solve current business manufacturing challenges in a different and smarter way. We’re already bringing the experts together seeking breakthrough solutions which simply wouldn’t be possible with traditional technologies,” said Peter Hewett, Global Product Supply Platform Leader.

The advantages and possibilities of 3D printing are all about creating reactivity and flexibility on the production line. It’s also a way to develop quick and effective solutions at every level of the Supply Chain.

Saving time, reducing costs, creating customized and lighter parts… The advantages that additive manufacturing can bring to a Supply Chain are numerous!


Meeting Sculpteo Studio and finding new challenging ideas


Our 3D printing experts created a personalized training, adapted to P&G’s specific needs. Whilst 3D printing is an amazing solution to prototype and create products, for companies like P&G, the benefit of additive manufacturing is more about optimizing processes, tooling, and everything that can help them to produce at scale.

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And that is exactly what our team saw with them during this workshop, “It was interesting to meet with the Sculpteo team to learn more about 3D Printing and the opportunities it can bring to our people and business alike. What is becoming more apparent to me is that we really need to use these technologies to unleash the potential of the younger generation in our organization” affirms Luc Reynaert, VP Product Supply, Global Fabric Care.

During this workshop, Alexandre d’Orsetti, Director of Sculpteo Studio, showed the team how Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) can revolutionize the way we manufacture, creating flexibility and reactivity on the production line. This allows companies to innovate on many different levels.

As Philippe Ollier, Supply Network and Innovation Section Head explains, “It was great to see the level of interaction and new ideas that they brought to the team.  More importantly, it gave me great confidence that this lead team will enable others, like me, to continue to learn and grow in exciting new areas”.


Do you want to learn more about 3D printing and get personalized training in order to see how additive manufacturing could be implemented in your company? We are here to help you go through new challenges and bring innovation to your business?

The Sculpteo team helped P&G to get a better understanding of the cutting-edge technology that is additive manufacturing. If you are interested in innovation and optimization for your business, and if you want to get more information about game-changing technology, you are in the right place!

Contact Sculpteo Studio right now, our additive manufacturing experts are here to help you bring your manufacturing process to the next level.