The best software tutorials for SolidWorks

The best software tutorials for SolidWorks

Posted By Jérôme Deschamps on Apr 15, 2020 | 0 comments

The CAD Software family is quite big, and may even look intimidating for those who aren’t knowledgeable about it. If you have ever wished to dive into it, and want to design parts by choosing one program with a gradual learning curve, look no further than SolidWorks. 

With the right tutorials, you can expect to get control over this program quickly and get to designing your first parts. This is why today, we are going to focus on the content creators and online courses that, in our mind, will support your learning of SolidWorks. 


Free Tutorials

There are many experienced users who are keen on sharing their knowledge of Software on YouTube. This is why this platform is a gold mine that we invite you to explore. So first, we will start by sharing with you some content creators you may want to follow if you wish to pick up your skills in autonomy and at your pace. 



Even though this content creator isn’t as famous as other SolidWorks specific channels, vertanux1 is a great pick if you want to learn this Software from A to Z, from only one place. 

Through his SolidWorks Basic Tutorials playlist, vertanux1 offers in-depth videos that will get you introduced to modeling, assemblies, 2D drawings and more. 

This playlist is complemented by a number of exercises that rely on free materials you can get on vertanux1’s website.




Credit: vertanux1, E5 SolidWorks 2019 Assembly Basics 1 Tutorial, YouTube



Invention Therapy

If you are looking for fast-paced, dynamic content to get insights into SolidWorks’ functionalities, Invention Therapy is worth taking a look. This channel is indeed famous for its “Learn Solidworks in 5 minutes” (or almost) video series, that will teach you how to achieve specific actions in a very clear, concise way.




Credit: Invention Therapy, Learn Solidworks in 5 Minutes! | Solidworks Tutorial, YouTube




This SolidWorks tutorial review wouldn’t look complete if we didn’t include the program’s own YouTube channel, SolidWorks. It features quite interesting thematic playlists in which SolidWorks is applied to different fields, such as electrical design, industrial design and so on. You may find these pieces of content in the SOLIDWORKS education playlist section.


Paid Tutorials 

The YouTube channels we have just covered can help you acquire the basics of SolidWorks. Now, if you believe that videos alone are not enough or would want to access more detailed content that will help you develop specific SolidWorks skills, we have reviewed some online courses that could help you in that regard.

Owned by LinkedIn, this online learning platform brings together teachers and learners from very different fields. For a €29.44 a month subscription, you can access tutorials on a variety of topics such as graphic design, marketing, music production and of course, 3D design. 

If you want to give a try, we recommend watching Gabriel Corbett’s courses, which cover topics pertaining to all learning levels, from beginners to advanced, and often come with exercises to provide you with good practice. 



If you prefer investing money in tutorials you can buy rather than subscriptions, Udemy is a good option you may want to consider at different learning levels. This platform contains very integrative courses teaching how to use SolidWorks from scratch, and for less than €20. Some other renowned, but more expensive SolidWorks courses you may find on Udemy will allow you to obtain industry certifications, and are well provided with downloadable materials and exercises. 


Our SolidWorks tutorial review is coming to its end. We hope you will appreciate the Tutorials we have shared with you and that they will help you pick up your SolidWorks skills. Do not hesitate to subscribe to our Newsletter for more Software news and tutorials. 


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