The minimalist knife block: Share your designs!
Posted By Jérôme Deschamps on Apr 15, 2020 | 0 comments
Designers! Two weeks ago, we tested you with our impossible doorknob design challenge. This time, we increase the difficulty with another challenge, Designing a knife block!
But wait, not any type of knife block. To win this challenge, yours will have to rely on the least material possible and be able to hold a minimum of three knives. To help you harness your creativity for this challenge, here are some great knife block examples to inspire you!
Credit: halaver, Mr. Meeseeks knife block,
Credit: Chris_design, Knife “Block”,
We hope that ideas start flowing, once your creation is ready, share it with us on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #Sculpteo3DCreators or by email to [email protected].
We will share the winner’s design on our Social Media!
Credit for main image: u/c_gen, I made a Julius Caesar knife block!, reddit