Entretien avec la Responsable de Sculpteo Studio, Manon Le Moal Joubel

Interview with the Head of Sculpteo Studio Manon Le Moal-Joubel

Posted By Stephany Vaussanvin on Aug 23, 2022 | 0 comments

We wanted to highlight our different teams at Sculpteo for you to get to know us better! This month we interviewed the Head of the Studio Design team Manon Le Moal-Joubel, an industrial designer specializing in industrial engineering. With these two experiences, Manon can easily spot the best technical solutions for the most demanding applications. On top of loving a good challenge, Manon enjoys taking on unusual projects with complex assemblies and oversized parts! No challenge is impossible! Get to know our Head of the Studio Design team!

Manon, can you tell us a little about your journey here at Sculpteo and how you became interested in Additive Manufacturing? 

Hello, I am Manon, the Head of Sculpteo Studio! I started as an intern here at Sculpteo; after working as an Industrial Designer for 5 years, I became the Head of Studio. I started working with additive manufacturing early on in my studies. I still remember the first 3D builder I worked with, which was basic and used only one type of material. Then, during my last internship before Sculpteo, I worked with Ultimaker and Formlabs printers and printed prototypes. These printers had more quality and complexity, and they helped me rediscover the potential of 3D printing. I learned much about constraints and materials working in DFAM (Design for Additive Manufacturing). From then on, I was hooked, I knew it was just the beginning for me in AM, and I wanted to be a part of this innovative technology. 

How does Studio’s team benefit the client/businesses?

The Studio team comprises Industrial Designers, Mechanical Engineers, and Application Engineers. Lots of talent and knowledge that is provided to the client. 

With our expertise in materials, 3D modeling, and 3D printing constraints, we help with successfully completing 3D printing projects and act as an intermediary between the client and the production team. 

What kinds of services do you provide?

Our role at Sculpteo is to:

  • Provide additive manufacturing design services. We follow up with the client from the start of the project to its production, etc. In this process, we bring all of our knowledge in material and DFAM (design for additive manufacturing). We create the 3D files needed and follow up with production on all the specifications and requirements. 
  • On another side, we provide consulting services. Our clients prefer to make their own 3D files for some projects, and we provide advice and support based on needs.
  • Finally, we also provide a training service. We create specific and adaptable training as required by each client’s needs. 

Studio Team Designing

What was an interesting 3D printing project you’ve recently worked on?

I enjoyed working on a seat for a concept car in the automotive sector. The client asked us to create a full seat 3D printed in 3 weeks. The idea was to show all the possibilities of 3Dprinting and bring new ideas to the client’s designers. 

To achieve this, we mixed different matérials, finishings, and technologies. Working on the mechanical aspects of the seat but also on the aesthetic aspect. Our seat needed to be attractive but still have high-performing mechanical properties; for this, we played with lattices, light effects, and colors. This project was intense but very interesting; it was an opportunity to showcase our skills and knowledge. 

What makes Sculpteo a unique place to work?

Sculpteo has given me the opportunity to work with clients from all over the world on diverse and innovative projects. A day can be something like this: in the morning, we can be working with stylists on haute couture shoes, and in the afternoon, meeting with surgeons to speak about creating 3D printed prostheses.  

All projects are concrete, deadlines are often very short, and we are able to iterate quickly. We have no time to be bored and plenty of time to be inspired and innovate! 

What’s your favorite music genre?

Indie folk is my jam! 

What inspires you the most?

Geometric shapes, I love anamorphoses; it’s inspired me a lot in my work! 

Any secret talents?

Bike-packing, I made a trip of 800km last year with my bike, my tent, and my 3D printing accessories. I highly recommend it! 
Learn more about Sculpteo’s Studio here, and let us support you on your 3D printing journey!