Sculpteo’s 2022 recycling report with Les Joyeux Recycleurs | Sculpteo Blog

Sculpteo’s 2022 recycling report with Les Joyeux Recycleurs

Posted By Lucie Gaget on Jan 11, 2023 | 0 comments

At Sculpteo, we find it important to reduce our environmental impact, and we know it, our everyday actions also play a big role. This is why we collaborate with the company Les Joyeux Recycleurs, which allows us to collect and recycle the daily waste in our offices.


This company has enabled us to set up an effective recycling system, which their team then collects and recycles.


Here is the 2022 report on the recycling of our waste with Les Joyeux Recycleurs:


Waste Weight CO2 saved
Coffee grounds 157 kg 1,7 kg
Coffee capsules 30 kg 3 kg
Glass 100 kg 46 kg
Printer cartridges 31 kg 95,2 kg
Battery 23 kg 47,2 kg
Lamps 8 kg 0 kg
Pens 0 kg 1,2 kg
Bottle caps 2 kg 6,7 kg
Cigarettes end 4 kg 1,2 kg


The waste collection carried out by Les Joyeux Recycleurs in 2022 corresponds to a total of 355 kg of waste recycled and 202.3 kg of CO2 saved.

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