The Marketplace closure will have no impact on our activities
Posted By admin on Oct 13, 2023 | 0 comments
At Sculpteo, we continue to consolidate our position through steady growth. In recent years, we have increased our production capacity, while maintaining high quality standards.
Today, our 3D printer pool is one of the largest in Europe, and our business focuses primarily on the production of small & medium series for professionals.
In the early days of Sculpteo, the production of one-off pieces for private customers was more important than it is now.
This is why, in 2012, shortly after the creation of Sculpteo, we launched our Marketplace project, a platform enabling private individuals to offer for sale 3D files they had designed.
However, this Marketplace has always represented only a tiny part of our business.
Today, it no longer corresponds to the path we’re pursuing. That’s why, after having consulted the platform’s users, we have decided to close it.
This decision, although relatively anecdotal in relation to the scale of our commercial activity, has unfortunately been misinterpreted by certain media, creating confusion between our core business, which is the online sale of 3D printed parts, and the marketplace activity, which has never represented the core of our business.
We would therefore like to reassure all our customers and partners that this decision will have absolutely no impact on their business.
It’s also an opportunity to confirm our position as a 3D printing service bureau aimed primarily at professionals.
We will therefore continue to focus on on-demand production via our website, in order to best meet our customers’ needs.
Your Sculpteo team