Fastest 3D printer: Building 3D printing projects faster
Posted By Lucie Gaget on Apr 11, 2018 | 0 comments
The benefits of 3D printing are numerous. This manufacturing technique allows to give life to impressive projects, saving businesses time and money. The 3D printing technology is constantly evolving and bringing new possibilities to a lot of businesses. Among the various 3D printed projects that we already saw in our blog, we can see that 3D printing is allowing to build faster the objects you have in mind. New materials, new dimensions are now available, and 3D printer manufacturers are taking into account the needs of the companies using additive manufacturing. One of the criteria searched by businesses is obviously speed.
You are maybe looking for the world’s fastest 3D printer to get your amazing project in no time. We are going to see in this article what are the keys of this shorter production time when 3D printing. We also made a selection for you to find the faster 3D printer when it comes to choosing the technology that best suits you, and an overview of the most impressive 3D printing projects regarding their construction speed.
Benefit of 3D printing: Saving time
Improve your product development process
Using 3D printing for your prototyping or production process can help you save a lot of time.
the whole 3D printing process is faster than traditional manufacturing methods. For prototyping, you can do as many iterations as you want and it is cheaper than injection molding, for example. It will allow you to work and develop your product faster. You can also use the visualization tools offered by some 3D modeling software to get a better overview of the project and do modifications by yourself directly on the 3D design.
Producing with 3D printing, another way to save your time
Regarding the production process, additive manufacturing can also be a great advantage. As we are going to see it a little bit later in this blog post, 3D printers are generally able to 3D print quite quickly, but new 3D machines are now even more powerful and print in no time.
Moreover, when 3D printing, obviously, you only need a printer. Additive manufacturing is becoming a great way to build some impressive projects in a short amount of time. When using 3D printing you don’t need many workers, and a machine can work continuously. On some projects, it could be an unbeatable asset.
An advanced technology
We just saw that the principle of 3D printing was a real advantage. But what if the 3D printing technology was even faster? This cutting-edge technology is evolving really quickly and we can see that new 3D printers are able to print impressive projects in no time. Regarding these new 3D machines, we can clearly see the tendencies of the evolution of 3D printing.
These new printers can print bigger projects, they can use new 3D printing materials and can create a full project faster than ever.
What is the fastest 3D printer?
You may want to know what is the fastest 3D printer ever created. Actually, different options are available. The speed depends on different aspects: the material that is 3D printed, the size of the printer, the size of the part that you want to print and the complexity of its design.
We made a selection of the last 3D printers noticed for their 3D printing speed, using different 3D printing technologies and materials. Let’s see what the machines capable of printing objects in no time are.
Professional 3D printers
HP Multi Jet Fusion
The Multi Jet Fusion 3D printer made by HP is one of the fastest plastic 3D printing technologies. Indeed, this 3D machine is known to 3D print about 10 times faster than a traditional FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) or SLS printer (Selective Laser Sintering). It allows a high precision and resistance, which makes this technology a perfect choice both for prototyping and production!
If you want to try this 3D printing technology, and get 3D printed parts with our HP Multi Jet Fusion PA12, you just have to upload your 3D file on our online 3D printing service.
The BAAM (Big Area Additive Manufacturing) printer
This machine is developed by Cincinnati, a company based in the United States. It has been made for huge 3D printed projects. One of the biggest tendencies of 3D printing is large scale 3D printing, that is becoming more and more interesting and accurate.
But 3D printer manufacturers always go further, it is now becoming possible to print large parts using thermoplastic quite quickly, by using this BAAM 3D printer. This incredible machine has been used to print cars, a kayak and even a submarine.
Carbon M2 printer
The Carbon M2 printer is among the fastest 3D printers. This 3D machine is using the DLS or CLIP (Continuous Liquid Interface Production) technology, and allows to print parts with quite a high resolution with a resin material. Carbon’s 3D printers are really fast!
You can watch this TED talk of Carbon’s CEO to get a better understanding of why 3D printing is such an efficient and fast manufacturing process.
If you want to print your 3D parts using the CLIP technology, you can upload your file and chose this process on our 3D printing service. Check out the video below to get an insight of the efficiency of this impressive professional 3D printer:
EOS P 760
This machine is using the SLS technology (Selective Laser Sintering technology). This 3D printer is made to manufacture end-use products. So the quality of the parts are really good, and they can be printed quickly thanks to this 3D printer able to print 32 mm per hour.
The NewPro3D printer uses the Intelligent Liquid Interface technology. This machine prints 55 mm of resin material in only 4 minutes. Here is an explanation of how the ILI technology works:
This 3D printer is great to create medical parts. If you want to see how this technology works concretely, check out this video:
The zSLTV-M printer
Uniz is an additive manufacturing startup from San Diego. They developed an amazing and super fast 3D machine: the zSLTV-M printer, that is using a printing technology that they developed themselves: UDP (Uni-Directional Peeling). They are actually printing resin material 200 times faster than current SLA (Stereolithography) printers.
Moreover, as you can see on the picture below, it creates really accurate designs.
Desktop 3D printers
FastFFF Desktop 3D printing system.
The Massachusett Institute of Technology researchers created the FastFFF 3D printer. Anastasio John Hart, a mechanical engineer, developed a 3D printer to get medical parts 3D printed in five or ten minutes rather than in one hour, for small parts. This technology is even allowing him to get bigger parts manufactured during the day. This way it is possible to create prototypes faster, and to make tests faster. This machine is avoiding time waste !
For the moment this is only possible to print plastic with this printer, but researchers are looking to extend the possibilities by developing this printer for other materials.
DeltaWASP 20 40 Turbo2
This 3D printer is from Italia, and developed by the company WASP. It can print 1000 mm per second. This desktop 3D printer uses the FFF technology. This 3D printer is really quick, but also very precise, which makes it a really impressive machine. The printer can manufacture parts up to 40 cm.
You can watch the demonstration in the video below:
How 3D printers help to save time: The best 3D printed projects
Let’s see how the speed of this technology and of some of these 3D printers are making the use of this technology a major asset for some industries. Here is a selection of a few projects.
Impressive projects made using these fast 3D printers
3D printing for medical uses with the NewPro3D printer
The NewPro3D printers that we saw previously in this blog post have been made for medical purpose. More precisely, this printer allows doctors to create real 3D models to get a better visualization of the patient’s problem. This method could allow doctors to reduce by 50% the operation time on their patient, because they can be prepared with their 3D printed model.
Dr. Correa de Azevedo used this NewPro3D printer to print the whole skull of his patient, and it only took a few minutes to get to this result.
3D printing a submarine with the BAAM technology
The BAAM printer has been used by the Navy to print a submarine hull custom-made in only 40 hours with a carbon fiber composite, instead of months with a traditional manufacturing method. It is quite a huge prototype and impressive achievement.
Check out the printing process video here:
Other incredible time saving uses of 3D printing
Dental 3D printing
We noticed that the fastest desktop 3D printers are essentially made to be used in the medical sector. Indeed, we saw in a previous blogpost all the benefits of additive manufacturing for the dental industry. This manufacturing technique is even allowing jaw reconstruction.
3D printing is actually helping dentists to work way faster: they can 3D print implants directly on spot, on their own. This way, they don’t have to wait during entire days to receive the parts, that may not perfectly fit the patient’s morphology.
3D printed turbine blades for the energy industry
Engineers working for Siemens used 3D printing to create 3D printed gas turbine blades and their manufacturing time went 90% faster. The 3D printed turbine blades travel over 1,600 km/h, and can withstand 1,250°C of surrounding heat with rapid cooling at 400°C. The parts have to be really resistant. Moreover, steel parts are expensive and 3D printing can be the perfect solution, as it is a way to manufacture parts perfectly adapted to the machine you are using.
This example is showing that 3D printing applications are very diverse, and that the time save using this technology can benefits to various industries and companies.
The 3D printed house
It is certainly one of the most impressive 3D printing projects. Using incredible concrete 3D printers, it is now possible to 3D print entire houses.
Have you heard about the house 3D printed by Apis Cor in only one day in Russia? They developed their own 3D machine to print continuously and create real houses and buildings in no time. 3D printing could really be the construction method of the future! There is actually no other construction method allowing to get a fully constructed home in 24 hours only. Additive manufacturing is the only manufacturing method that can make businesses save so much time.
Fast 3D printing at Sculpteo
Using a 3D printing service to make the most of these advantages. By choosing to use Sculpteo’s 3D printing service, you will access fast and professional 3D printers. This way, you will get the chance to improve your product development thanks to our expertise. You will be able to save time, but also money. Indeed, you won’t have to invest in a professional 3D printer for your company. You can focus on what is more important for you: Your project. And Sculpteo will take care of the printing process!
Are you ready to use the 3D printing technology and build your projects faster? Upload your 3D files right now!
What do you think of these amazing fast 3D printers? You can see that 3D printing is evolving really fast and improving itself constantly. In the future any devices will be printable very quickly thanks to professional and desktop printers available on the market.
It will maybe be possible to use fast metal 3D printing in the future! If you want to see the latest impressive applications of 3D printing, don’t forget to subscribe to our weekly newsletter!
Photo credit: CARBON